如何读写 STL C++ 字符串?

2022-01-04 00:00:00 string io c++ stl
string in;

//How do I store a string from stdin to in?
//gets(in) - 16 cannot convert `std::string' to `char*' for argument `1' to 
//char* gets (char*)' 
//scanf("%s",in) also gives some weird error

同样,如何将 in 写出到标准输出或文件中??

Similarly, how do I write out in to stdout or to a file??


您正在尝试将 C 样式 I/O 与 C++ 类型混合.使用 C++ 时,您应该使用 std::cinstd::cout 流进行控制台输入和输出.

You are trying to mix C style I/O with C++ types. When using C++ you should use the std::cin and std::cout streams for console input and output.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
std::string in;
std::string out("hello world");

std::cin >> in;
std::cout << out;

但是当读取字符串时,std::cin 一旦遇到空格或新行就会停止读取.您可能希望使用 getline 从控制台获取整行输入.

But when reading a string std::cin stops reading as soon as it encounters a space or new line. You may want to use getline to get a entire line of input from the console.

std::getline(std::cin, in);


You use the same methods with a file (when dealing with non binary data).

std::ofstream ofs("myfile.txt");

ofs << myString;
