为什么 Python/C API 在 PyRun_SimpleFile 上崩溃?

我一直在尝试在 C++ 应用程序中嵌入不同的脚本语言,目前我正在尝试 Stackless Python 3.1.我已经尝试了几个教程和示例,但我能找到的很少,尝试从应用程序运行一个简单的脚本.

Py_Initialize();FILE* PythonScriptFile = fopen("Python Scripts/Test.py", "r");如果(PythonScript 文件){PyRun_SimpleFile(PythonScriptFile, "Python Scripts/Test.py");fclose(PythonScriptFile);}Py_Finalize();


 PyRun_SimpleFile(PythonScriptFile, "Python Scripts/Test.py");

我在网上搜索了其他有类似问题的人,但只找到了一个.他们唯一的解决方案是一种似乎只能在旧版 Python 中实现的解决方法:创建一个 Python 文件对象并将 FILE* 从该 Python 文件对象返回到 PyRun_SimpleFile.但是,此类函数调用不可用,Python 3.1 API 从文件描述符创建文件对象并返回文件描述符,但 PyRun_SimpleFile 函数仍然需要 FILE*.


什么给?如果 API 出现内部错误,我该如何完成此任务?

更新:我已经设法从源代码构建了 Stackless Python 3.1,尽管使用相同的 C 运行时库,但崩溃仍然完全没有改变.我的项目和 Stackless Python 3.1 源代码都是使用 Visual Studio 2010 的 C++ 编译器和 C 运行时构建的.除了修改 Python 以使用文件名而不是 FILE* 之外,我不再知道什么可以解决这个问题.另一个糟糕的解决方法.


这对我在 Python 3 上有效:

 PyObject *obj = Py_BuildValue("s", "test.py");FILE *file = _Py_fopen_obj(obj, "r+");如果(文件!= NULL){PyRun_SimpleFile(file, "test.py");}


I've been experimenting with embedding different scripting languages in a C++ application, currently I'm trying Stackless Python 3.1. I've tried several tutorials and examples, what few I can find, to try and run a simple script from an application.


FILE* PythonScriptFile = fopen("Python Scripts/Test.py", "r");
    PyRun_SimpleFile(PythonScriptFile, "Python Scripts/Test.py");


For some odd reason, running this piece of code results in an access violation at:

    PyRun_SimpleFile(PythonScriptFile, "Python Scripts/Test.py");

I've searched online for others with a similar problem and found only one. Their only solution was a workaround that only seems possible in an older version of Python: Creating a python file object and returning the FILE* from that python file object into PyRun_SimpleFile. Such function calls are not available however, the Python 3.1 API creates file objects from a file descriptor and returns file descriptors, but the PyRun_SimpleFile function still requires a FILE*.

I'm at a loss as to how to run any scripts from file, short of loading the entire file into memory manually and running it as a giant string, certainly not a practical solution.

What gives? How can I accomplish this task if the API has an internal error?

Update: I've managed to build Stackless Python 3.1 from the source and yet the crash remains completely unchanged, despite using the same C runtime library. Both my project and the Stackless Python 3.1 source are built with Visual Studio 2010's C++ compiler and C runtime. I no longer have any inkling as to what might solve this problem, short of modifying Python to use a file name and not a FILE*. Another terrible workaround.


This works for me on Python 3:

 PyObject *obj = Py_BuildValue("s", "test.py");
 FILE *file = _Py_fopen_obj(obj, "r+");
 if(file != NULL) {
     PyRun_SimpleFile(file, "test.py");

I hope It would be useful.
