如何使用 C++ 成员函数作为 C 框架的回调函数

2022-01-03 00:00:00 c callback c++

有一个支持类型回调函数的 C 库(我无法更改)

There is a C library (which I cannot change) that supports a callback function of the type

void (*callback)(void *appContext, int eventid)

我想设置一个 C++ 函数作为回调.

I want to set a C++ function as the callback.


Specifically I have following questions?

  1. 是否需要在"extern C"块下声明回调函数?


Does a member function need to be static to be the callback function? Is it possible to use a non-static member function? If yes, how? And when is it recommended to use a non-static member function?


Does it matter if the function is a template function or not?

非类 C 风格的函数与类成员函数相比有什么优势吗?

Does a non-class C style function have any advantages over a class member function?

我正在旧的 VC++ 编译器上尝试这些变体,该编译器不支持最新的 C++ 标准.但是代码需要独立于平台,并且应该适用于大多数 C++ 编译器.我想知道回调的推荐做法是什么?

I am trying these variants on a old VC++ compiler, which does not support the latest C++ standard. But the code needs to be platform independent and should work on most C++ compilers. I want to know what is recommended practice with callbacks?


回调函数需要在extern "C"下声明吗?

没有.仅当您从 C 直接调用 C++ 函数而不使用函数指针时,才需要 extern "C".如果使用函数指针,则不需要 extern "C".

NO. extern "C" is necessary only when you are calling a C++ function directly, without the use of function pointers, from C. If function pointers are used, extern "C" is not required.


没有.类 A 的非静态成员函数有一个隐式的第一个参数对应于 this 指针.

NO. Non-static member functions of class A have an implicit first parameter corresponding to this pointer.



YES, as long as signature matches with that of the callback.



NO, template function can be used as callbacks as long as the signature of the instantiated template matches with the callback.
