
有谁知道 C++ 数据结构库提供熟悉的 STL 结构的功能(也称为不可变,或 FP 意义上的持久")等价物?

Does anyone know of a C++ data structure library providing functional (a.k.a. immutable, or "persistent" in the FP sense) equivalents of the familiar STL structures?


By "functional" I mean that the objects themselves are immutable, while modifications to those objects return new objects sharing the same internals as the parent object where appropriate.

理想情况下,这样的库应该类似于 STL,并且可以很好地与 Boost.Phoenix 一起使用(警告-我实际上并没有使用过 Phoenix,但据我所知它提供了许多算法但没有数据结构,除非懒惰的- 对现有数据结构的计算更改很重要 - 是吗?)

Ideally, such a library would resemble STL, and would work well with Boost.Phoenix (caveat- I haven't actually used Phoenix, but as far as I can tell it provides many algorithms but no data structures, unless a lazily-computed change to an existing data structure counts - does it?)


我会看看是否FC++ 包括任何数据结构.当然,这个项目比其他任何项目都更关注支持 C++ 中的函数式风格.

I would look and see whether FC++ developed by Yannis Smaragdakis includes any data structures. Certainly this project more than any other is about supporting a functional style in C++.
