
2022-01-01 00:00:00 linked-list c++


I have a problem statement like: "How to find the middle node of a singly linked list in only one traversal, and the twist is we don't know the number of nodes in the linked list?"

我有一个答案,比如当你遍历链表并增加一个计数器直到你到达链表的末尾时,取一个向量并开始推送所有节点的地址".所以最后我们可以得到列表中的节点数,如果偶数 (counter/2) 或奇数 (counter/2 + counter%2) 给出中间节点数,我们就可以得到 vectore.at(middlenodenumber) 指向中间节点".

I have an answer like "take a vector and start pushing all the nodes' addresses as and when you are traversing the linked list and increment a counter till you reach the end of the list". So at the end we can get the number of nodes in the list and if even (counter/2) or if odd (counter/2 + counter%2) gives the middle node number and with this we can get vectore.at(middlenodenumber) points to the middle node".


This is fine...but this is waste of memory storing all the address of a very large linked list! So how can we have a better solution?



  • 取两个指针 *p1*p2 指向链接的头部列表
  • 开始循环并递增 *p2,2 次(带空检查)
  • 如果 *p2 不为空,则将 *p1 增加 1 次
  • *p2 达到空值时;你有 *p1 在中心
  • Take two pointers *p1 and *p2 pointing to the head of linked list
  • Start a loop and increment *p2, 2 times (with null checks)
  • If *p2 is not null then increment *p1 1 time
  • When *p2 reaches null; you have got the *p1 at the center


[Note: You can use iterators instead of pointer if you deal with container type linked list]
