在 Windows 中获取用户临时文件夹路径

2022-01-01 00:00:00 path windows directory c++

如何在 C++ 中获取用户的临时文件夹路径?我的程序必须在 Windows Vista 和 XP 上运行,并且它们有不同的临时路径.如何在不失去兼容性的情况下获得它?

How I can get the user's temp folder path in C++? My program has to run on Windows Vista and XP and they have different temp paths. How I can get it without losing compatibility?


是否有无法使用 Win32 GetTempPath API 的原因?

Is there a reason you can't use the Win32 GetTempPath API?

  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa364992(VS.85).aspx

此 API 从 W2K 开始可用,因此可用于您列出的所有目标.

This API is available starting with W2K and hence will be available on all of your listed targets.
