在 Python 中使用 pytz 本地化纪元时间
我正在使用 pytz 将纪元时间戳转换为不同时区的日期.我想要做的是创建一个 DateTime 对象,它接受一个 Olson 数据库时区和一个纪元时间并返回一个本地化的 datetime 对象.最终,我需要回答诸如纪元时间 1350663248 时在纽约几点钟?"
Im working on converting epoch timestamps to dates in different timezones with pytz. What I am trying to do is create a DateTime object that accepts an Olson database timezone and an epoch time and returns a localized datetime object. Eventually I need to answer questions like "What hour was it in New York at epoch time 1350663248?"
Something is not working correctly here:
import datetime, pytz, time
class DateTime:
def __init__(self, timezone, epoch):
self.timezone = timezone
self.epoch = epoch
timezoneobject = pytz.timezone(timezone)
datetimeobject = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( self.epoch )
self.datetime = timezoneobject.localize(datetimeobject)
def hour(self):
return self.datetime.hour
if __name__=='__main__':
epoch = time.time()
dt = DateTime('America/Los_Angeles',epoch)
print dt.datetime.hour
dt = DateTime('America/New_York',epoch)
print dt.datetime.hour
这会打印相同的小时,而应该提前 3 小时左右.这里出了什么问题?我是一个 Python 初学者,感谢任何帮助!
This prints the same hour, whereas one should be 3 or so hours ahead. Whats going wrong here? I'm a total Python beginner, any help is appreciated!
返回不应与任意 timezone.localize() 一起使用的本地时间;您需要 utcfromtimestamp()
以 UTC 获取日期时间,然后将其转换为所需的时区:
returns localtime that shouldn't be used with an arbitrary timezone.localize(); you need utcfromtimestamp()
to get datetime in UTC and then convert it to a desired timezone:
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
# get time in UTC
utc_dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(posix_timestamp).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
# convert it to tz
tz = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
dt = utc_dt.astimezone(tz)
# print it
print(dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z'))
Or a simpler alternative is to construct from the timestamp directly:
from datetime import datetime
import pytz
# get time in tz
tz = pytz.timezone('America/New_York')
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(posix_timestamp, tz)
# print it
print(dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z%z'))
在这种情况下,它隐式地从 UTC 转换.
It converts from UTC implicitly in this case.