如何在一行上连接多个 C++ 字符串?

C# 有一个语法特性,您可以在一行中将多种数据类型连接在一起.

C# has a syntax feature where you can concatenate many data types together on 1 line.

string s = new String();
s += "Hello world, " + myInt + niceToSeeYouString;
s += someChar1 + interestingDecimal + someChar2;

C++ 中的等价物是什么?据我所知,您必须在单独的行上完成所有操作,因为它不支持使用 + 运算符的多个字符串/变量.这还可以,但看起来不那么整洁.

What would be the equivalent in C++? As far as I can see, you'd have to do it all on separate lines as it doesn't support multiple strings/variables with the + operator. This is OK, but doesn't look as neat.

string s;
s += "Hello world, " + "nice to see you, " + "or not.";


The above code produces an error.


#include <sstream>
#include <string>

std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Hello, world, " << myInt << niceToSeeYouString;
std::string s = ss.str();

看看 Herb Sutter 的这篇本周大师文章:庄园农场的字符串格式化程序

Take a look at this Guru Of The Week article from Herb Sutter: The String Formatters of Manor Farm
