
2021-12-31 00:00:00 casting c++ rtti dynamic-cast


We often hear/read that one should avoid dynamic casting. I was wondering what would be 'good use' examples of it, according to you?


Yes, I'm aware of that other thread: it is indeed when reading one of the first answers there that I asked my question!


这个最近的主题给出了一个它可以派上用场的例子.有一个基本的 Shape 类和从它派生的类 Circle 和 Rectangle .在测试相等性时,很明显圆形不能等于矩形,尝试比较它们将是一场灾难.在遍历指向 Shapes 的指针集合时,dynamic_cast 执行双重任务,告诉您这些形状是否具有可比性,并为您提供合适的对象来进行比较.

This recent thread gives an example of where it comes in handy. There is a base Shape class and classes Circle and Rectangle derived from it. In testing for equality, it is obvious that a Circle cannot be equal to a Rectangle and it would be a disaster to try to compare them. While iterating through a collection of pointers to Shapes, dynamic_cast does double duty, telling you if the shapes are comparable and giving you the proper objects to do the comparison on.

