static_cast<Derived *>(Base pointer) 是否应该给出编译时错误?

2021-12-31 00:00:00 casting c++

static_cast(Base pointer) 是否应该给出编译时错误?

Should static_cast(Base pointer) give compile time error?

class A


class B : public  A

int main()
    A *a=new A();
    B * b=static_cast<B*>(a);   // Compile Error?


它不能给出编译时错误,因为 Base-Derived 关系可以在运行时存在,这取决于被转换的指针的地址.static_cast 总是成功,但如果你没有转换为正确的类型,将会引发 undefined-behavior.dynamic_cast 可能会失败,也可能不会,实际上是在告诉您是否尝试转换为正确的类型.

It cannot give compile time error because a Base-Derived relationship can exist at runtime depending on the address of the pointers being casted. static_cast always succeeds, but will raise undefined-behavior if you don't cast to the right type. dynamic_cast may fail or not, actually telling you whether you tried to cast to the right type or not.

所以在我看来,static_cast 应该用于向下转换,前提是设计可以确定存在这种可能性.一个很好的例子是 CRTP.所以在某些情况下这是合乎逻辑的,但尽量避免它,因为它是未定义的行为.

So in my opinion, static_cast should be used to downcast only if the design can establish that such a possibility exists. One good example of this is CRTP. So it is logical in some situations but try to avoid it as it is undefined-behavior.

static_cast 不需要 RTTI,这可能使它理论上更快,但我会随时用 dynamic_cast 来抵消未定义的行为static_cast 可能导致!

RTTI is not needed for static_cast which might make it theoretically faster, but I will anytime trade-in a dynamic_cast against the undefined behavior that static_cast may cause!
