

我查看了 python 的官方文档,但我似乎找不到参考循环是什么.任何人都可以澄清它对我来说是什么,因为我正在尝试理解 GC 模块.提前感谢您的回复.

I have looked in the official documentation for python, but i cannot seem to find what a reference cycle is. Could anyone please clarify what it is for me, as i am trying to understand the GC module. Thank you in advance for your replies.



A reference cycle simply means one or more objects referencing each other, such that if you drew it out on paper with arrows representing the dependencies you would see a cycle.

(几乎)最简单的引用循环是有两个对象 ab 相互引用:

The (almost) simplest reference cycle is having two objects a and b that refer to each other:

a.other = b
b.some_attr = a

天真的垃圾收集器严格按照一个对象是否被另一个对象引用来工作.在这种情况下,如果 ab 都没有被其他任何东西引用,它们仍然会相互引用,并且天真的垃圾收集器可能不会回收内存.(不过,我不知道 Python 是否可以被引用循环捕获.)

Naive garbage collectors work strictly off of whether or not an object is referenced by another object. In this case, if both a and b are not referred to by anything else, they still refer to each other and a naive garbage collector may not reclaim the memory. (I don't know if Python can be trapped by reference cycles or not, though.)


The simplest reference cycle is an object that refers to itself:

a = []
