MS Windows 中的 QT 和本机 OpenGL 支持

2021-12-31 00:00:00 opengl qt c++ visual-studio-2013 qt5.3

我正在尝试导入 cube通过 QT 插件在 MS Visual Studio 2013 中的示例.

I'm trying to import the cube example in MS visual studio 2013 via the QT add-in.

不幸的是,当我尝试打开 .pro 文件时,出现以下错误:

Unfortunately, when trying to open the .pro file I get the following error:

项目错误:此示例需要使用 -opengl desktop 配置 Qt

在网络上做了一些研究,我意识到默认情况下 QT OpenGL 支持建立在 ANGLE-library 上 据我所知,这是一个 OpenGL 到 DirectX9.0 的转换器.

Doing a little research in the web I realized that by default QT OpenGL support is build on ANGLE-library which as I realized is an OpenGL to DirectX9.0 kind of translator.


Thus, I have two options (link):

  1. 安装角度.
  2. 使用选项 -opengl desktop 重新编译 QTv5.3.
  1. Install ANGLE.
  2. Recompile QTv5.3 with option -opengl desktop.

问题是我通过 Windows 的 QT 在线安装程序安装了 QTv5.3.

The problem is that I installed QTv5.3 via QT online installer for windows.

考虑到上述情况,当我通过 Windows 在线安装程序安装 QTv5.3 时,我应该如何使用原生 OpenGL 支持(即,使用 -opengl desktop 选项)重新编译 QTv5.3?

Considering the above, how am I supposed to recompile QTv5.3 with native OpenGL support (i.e., with -opengl desktop option) when I've installed QTv5.3 via the windows online installer?


尽管您可以使用任何您希望的标志自行编译它,但还有一个更简单的选择.Qt 在线安装程序提供了多种发行版:不同版本的 Qt,针对不同的目标,有或没有 OpenGL 支持.

Although you can compile it yourself with any flags you wish, there is a simpler option. Qt online installer provides several distributions: different versions of Qt, for different targets, with or without OpenGL support.

  • 运行 <QT_FOLDER>MaintenanceTool.exe(如果您还没有安装 Qt,则运行在线安装程序)
  • 选择Package manager,按Next
  • Qt->5.3 下检查 msvc2013 32-bit OpenGL(以及您需要的任何其他版本)
  • 下一步...
  • run <QT_FOLDER>MaintenanceTool.exe (or online installer if you have never installed Qt yet)
  • choose Package manager, press Next
  • Under Qt->5.3 check msvc2013 32-bit OpenGL (along with any other version you need)
  • Press Next...


那么你可能需要将Visual Studio AddIn指向正确的Qt文件夹(它可以携带多个版本).

Then you probably will need to pointVisual Studio AddIn to correct Qt folder (it can carry multiple versions).

您可以通过运行 qmake 从 Qt 的项目 .pro 文件轻松生成 Visual Studio .vcxproj 文件.无需任何插件.

You can easily generate Visual Studio .vcxproj file from Qt' project .pro file by running qmake. No any addons required.


  • 打开VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt(或用"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0VCvcvarsall.bat" x86设置路径代码>)
  • 将所需的 Qt 版本添加到路径:

  • open VS2013 x86 Native Tools Command Prompt (or set up path with "C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0VCvcvarsall.bat" x86)
  • add desired Qt version to path:

set PATH=%PATH%;<QT_FOLDER>msvc2013_openglin

  • 转到Qt项目文件夹并生成MSVC项目:

  • go to Qt project folder and generate MSVC project:

    cd <pro_folder>
    qmake -tp vc

  • 您会在同一个文件夹中找到一个 .vcxproj 文件,其中包含所有 Qt 的花里胡哨(moc'ing、uic'ing、rcc'ing 等),就像构建事件一样
  • 每当您更改 .pro 文件时,请重复此操作.每次都重新加载 .vcxproj(无需关闭 Visual Studio;它会在检测到更改时要求您重新加载).将 .vcxproj 视为临时生成的文件,不要手动更改它.调整 .pro 中的所有内容.
  • You will find in the same folder a .vcxproj file with all Qt's bells and whistles (moc'ing, uic'ing, rcc'ing etc.) set up like build events
  • Repeat this operation whenever you change .pro file. Reload .vcxproj each time (no need to close Visual Studio; it will ask you to reload when it detects changes). Consider .vcxproj as temporary, generated file and don't change it manually. Tweak all the stuff in .pro.
  • 提示:编写 .bat 文件以自动完成所有这些工作.

    Hint: write .bat file to do all this stuff automatically.

