为什么不在 C++11 中删除具有副作用未定义行为的析构函数的对象?

这个答案引用了 C++11 Standard 3.8:

This answer quotes C++11 Standard 3.8:


if there is no explicit call to the destructor or if a delete-expression (5.3.5) is not used to release the storage, the destructor shall not be implicitly called and any program that depends on the side e?ects produced by the destructor has unde?ned behavior.


The part about the destructor not being called is clear. Now suppose the skipped destructor had a side effect that should have affected the program behavior.


Why is the program behavior undefined now? Why wouldn't the side effects be skipped (since the destructor is not called) and the program run normally just without side effects applied?



The important part is the first part of that paragraph (emphasis mine):

程序可以通过重用对象占用的存储空间来结束任何对象的生命周期 ...


If you simply reuse the storage for an object whose destructor has not been called, then you get undefined behaviour. For example, the object could have started a thread, or registered a callback, or some other action where an external component might expect the object to still exist.
