
我正在使用 CUDA 5.5 和计算能力为 3.5 的 NVDIA GeForce GTX 780 进行动态并行编程.我在内核函数中调用内核函数,但它给了我一个错误:

I am doing dynamic parallelism programming using CUDA 5.5 and an NVDIA GeForce GTX 780 whose compute capability is 3.5. I am calling a kernel function inside a kernel function but it is giving me an error:

错误:从 __global__ 函数("kernel_5") 调用 __global__ 函数("kernel_6") 只允许在 compute_35 或更高架构上使用

error : calling a __global__ function("kernel_6") from a __global__ function("kernel_5") is only allowed on the compute_35 architecture or above




nvcc -arch=sm_35 -rdc=true simple1.cu -o simple1 -lcudadevrt

如果您有 2 个文件 simple1.cu 和 test.c,那么您可以执行以下操作.这称为单独编译.

If you have 2 files simple1.cu and test.c then you can do something as below. This is called seperate compilation.

nvcc -arch=sm_35 -dc simple1.cu 
nvcc -arch=sm_35 -dlink simple1.o -o link.o -lcudadevrt
g++ -c test.c 
g++ link.o simple1.o test.o -o simple -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64/ -lcudart

cuda 编程指南
