“未定义的引用"使用 Lua

2021-12-30 00:00:00 reference lua c++

我在尝试构建我的项目时收到错误 undefined reference to 'luaL_newstate'.我知道这是链接器的错误,但我对 Lua 比较陌生,并向项目添加了一个库.顺便说一下,我使用 Code::Blocks.API函数luaL_openlibsluaL_loadfilelua_pcalllua_getfieldlua_typelua_settop 也不见了.

I got the error undefined reference to 'luaL_newstate' when I try to build my project. I know it's an error with the linker but I'm relatively new to Lua and adding a library to a project. I use Code::Blocks by the way. API functions luaL_openlibs, luaL_loadfile, lua_pcall, lua_getfield, lua_type, lua_settop are missing too.

我在一个网站上看到我必须将我的项目与 libdl 链接才能解决这个问题,但我真的不知道这是什么意思以及如何去做.

I saw on a webite that I have to link my project with libdl in order to solve this problem, but I don't really know what it mean and how to do it.


我遇到了同样的问题,就我而言,我找到了一个对我有用的解决方案 此处.基本上包括将 lua 的 #include 包裹在 extern "C" 中,例如:

I faced the same problem, in my case I found a solution that worked for me here. Basically consist in wrapping the #include s of lua inside a extern "C", like:

extern "C"{
    #include <lua5.2/lualib.h>
    #include <lua5.2/lauxlib.h>
    #include <lua5.2/lua.h>
