为 C++ 选择嵌入式脚本语言

2021-12-30 00:00:00 python lua ruby scripting c++

我想选择一种我将在 C++ 上使用的嵌入式脚本语言.它应该连接一个数据库,如 Oracle.我的主机应用程序是一个服务器应用程序.这会将原始数据传递给脚本.该脚本将解析并执行一些特定的逻辑.还更新数据库.然后脚本将返回原始数据作为结果.你能帮我选吗?谢谢

I want to choose an embedded scripting language that i will use on C++. It should connect a database such as Oracle. My host application is a server application. That will pass raw data to script. The script will parse and do some specific logics. Also updates database. Then script will returns raw data as result. Can you help me to choose it? Thanx


Lua 旨在成为一种嵌入式语言,并具有 <一个 href="http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#3">简单的 API.Python 和 Ruby 的用途要广泛得多,并且(至少对于嵌入而言)要复杂得多.仅此一项就会引导我使用 Lua.

Lua is intended to be an embedded language and has a simple API. Python and Ruby are much more general purpose and are (for embedding at least) significantly more complicated. This alone would lead me to using Lua.
