
2021-12-30 00:00:00 driver c++ visual-studio-2015 wdk




您需要将 WDK 头文件路径添加到您的 vcxproj 包含目录:
vcxproj 属性 -> C/C++ -> 常规 -> 附加包含目录

C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10Include10.0.14393.0km

P.S.:请确保将 SDK 10 与 WDK 10 一起安装.
P.P.S:如果没有 SDK,你会得到 Cannot open include file: 'ntdef.h' 错误

I'm been trying to get into driver development (queue the "don't do that") I have been looking at this msdn page and after installing the WDK (Windows Driver Kit) 10 I am still unable to compile the example that they use on that page.

I have looked at other SO questions but I am unable to find the installed directory of the WDK. When I attempt to run the setup I am greeted by this:

How can I solve this?


You need to add WDK headers path to your vcxproj include directories:
vcxproj properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories

C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10Include10.0.14393.0km

P.S.: Make sure you install SDK 10 together with WDK 10.
P.P.S: Without SDK you will get Cannot open include file: 'ntdef.h' error
