MSbuild 错误:找不到 v140(平台工具集 = 'v140')的构建工具

我有一个由大量项目(C++ 和 C#)组成的解决方案.我把方案升级到了VS2015,所以现在大部分的工具集版本都设置为V140,但有少数项目需要保留在V110(第三方库等).当我在 Visual Studio 2015 中构建解决方案时,它构建得很好,但是当 TeamFoundationServer 尝试构建它时,它失败并显示以下错误:

C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0V110Microsoft.Cpp.Platform.targets (44):v140 的构建工具(平台工具集 ='v140') 找不到.要使用 v140 构建工具进行构建,请单击项目"菜单或右键单击解决方案,然后选择更新 VC++ 项目...".安装 v140 以使用 v140 构建工具进行构建.

我尝试将 VisualStudioVersion 或正确 MSBuild 版本的路径指定为构建参数,但它不起作用,因为其余项目(V110 中的项目)会遇到麻烦.




I have a solution which is consists of a large number of projects (C++ and C#). I upgraded the solution to VS2015, so the toolset version for most of them are now set to V140, but a small number of projects need to remain in V110 (third party libraries, etc). When I build the solution in Visual Studio 2015, it builds just fine, but when TeamFoundationServer tries to build it, it fails with the following error:

C:Program Files (x86)MSBuildMicrosoft.Cppv4.0V110Microsoft.Cpp.Platform.targets (44): The builds tools for v140 (Platform Toolset = 'v140') cannot be found. To build using the v140 build tools, either click the Project menu or right-click the solution, and then select "Update VC++ Projects...". Install v140 to build using the v140 build tools.

I tried to specify the VisualStudioVersion or the path to the right MSBuild version as build arguments, but it didn't work as the rest of the projects (the ones in V110) will be in trouble.

Any help would be very appreciated.


I had the same issue. Steps given in this Solution helped me solve my issue. Repeating the steps here for future reference.

If you're attempting to build a Win32 "Desktop" application, the easiest way to get the v140 Platform Toolset is via the Visual Studio Installer (please see the image, below, for an illustration of steps '3.' and '4.'):

  1. Launch the "Visual Studio Installer" from your start menu.
  2. Select "Modify" for the instance of Visual Studio 2017 you have installed.
  3. Under the "Summary" pane of the workload selector, click the "Desktop development with C++" expander (if it is collapsed)
  4. Check the "VC++ 2015.3 v140 toolset (x86,x64)" optional feature.
