为什么 std::numeric_limits<long long>::max() 失败?

2021-12-30 00:00:00 windows max c++ stl visual-studio-2015

这行代码在 VS2015 Update 3 中编译失败:

This line of code fails to compile in VS2015 Update 3:

auto a = std::numeric_limits<long long>::max();


It cannot find the definition of max(). Why is this?


那个 max 调用可能会干扰 "evil" max 预处理器 宏在 Windows SDK 标头中定义,您可能已经(直接或间接)包含了这些标头.

That max call may interfere with "evil" max preprocessor macro defined in the Windows SDK headers, that you have probably included (directly or indirectly).


An option is to prevent the preprocessor max macro to kick in, using an additional pair of parentheses:

... = (std::numeric_limits<long long>::max)();


作为附加选项,您可以考虑 #define #NOMINMAX before 包括 Windows 标头.这将阻止上述 minmax 预处理器宏的定义.

As an additional option, you may consider #define #NOMINMAX before including Windows headers. This will prevent the definition of the aforementioned min and max preprocessor macros.

但是,请注意某些 Windows 标头(例如 GDI+ 标头)确实需要 Win32 的 minmax 预处理器宏,因此在此类中在这种情况下,使用额外的一对括号可能是更好的选择.

However, note that some Windows headers (like the GDI+ ones) do require the Win32's min and max preprocessor macros, so in such cases the use of an additional pair of parentheses may be a better option.
