Visual Studio 错误 D8016:“/ZI"和“/Gy"命令行选项不兼容

2021-12-30 00:00:00 c++ visual-studio-2015


I am having an issue with a project that I am working on. Despite the fact that the code is right, I can't build it because I got the following error

错误 D8016 '/ZI' 和 '/Gy-' 命令行选项不兼容 LoadReport C:LoadReportLoadReportcl

Error D8016 '/ZI' and '/Gy-' command-line options are incompatible LoadReport C:LoadReportLoadReportcl

我的 Visual Studio 版本是 2015 年.任何想法将不胜感激.

My version of the visual studio is 2015. Any idea would be appreciated.


您选择编辑并继续"(/ZI) 可以在调试期间修复代码,同时也可以禁用功能"- 级别链接"(/Gy-).

You are choosing "Edit and Continue" (/ZI) to be able to fix code during debugging, but also "Disable Function-Level Linking" (/Gy-).

这两者不会一起工作,因为您不能只更改代码中间的一个函数.所以只需选择其中之一,例如将 /Gy- 更改为 /Gy.

Those two will not work together, as you cannot just change one function in the middle of the code. So just choose one of them, like changing /Gy- to /Gy.
