如何从 wxpython ListBox 获取项目列表

2022-01-16 00:00:00 python wxpython listbox listboxitems


是否有一个方法可以返回 wxPython listBox 中包含的项目列表?

Is there a single method that returns the list of items contained in a wxPython listBox?


I cant seem to find anything anywhere in the documentation or anywhere for that matter. All that I can think to do is to set the selection to all of the items and then get the selected items, though seems like an ugly roundabout way of doing something that should be simple.


正如 jeremy 所指出的,这样做的方法是使用 GetStrings()

As pointed out by jeremy the way to do this is with GetStrings()


listBoxList = yourListBox.GetStrings()


wx.ListBox 派生自 wx.ControlWithitems.我认为 GetStrings() 是您所需要的.

wx.ListBox is derived from wx.ControlWithitems. I think GetStrings() is what you need.
