在头文件与实现 (.cpp) 文件中定义构造函数

2021-12-30 00:00:00 constructor c++ header-files

我可以在类 .h 文件或实现文件 .cpp 中定义类构造函数的主体.就特定项目中的编译器而言,这两种风格可能是相同的(项目对我来说意味着 DLL).这同样适用于任何成员函数:它们可以在头文件中定义,也可以在头文件中声明,然后在 cpp 文件中定义.

I can define the body of a class constructor in the class .h file or in the implementation file .cpp. These two styles are probably identical as far as the compiler is concerned within a specific project (project for me means DLL). Same applies to any member functions really: they can be defined in the header file or just declared there and then defined in the cpp file.

然而,我发现如果我需要在不同的项目中包含这样的类头文件(意味着最终使用头文件的代码最终在不同的 DLL 中)然后有头文件中的实际实现在编译时引起了一些麻烦(而不是链接......我什至没有达到那个点).为什么?好吧,我不会详细介绍,但编译器显然会尝试解析可能在其他头文件等中定义的所有函数,从而迫使可怜的开发人员开始拉入各种头文件等.

However, I found that if I need to include such class header file(s) in different projects (meaning that ultimately the code that uses the header file ends up in a different DLL) then having the actual implementation in the header file causes some headaches at compilation (not at linking... I don't even get to that point). Why? Well I won't go too much in detail but the compiler obviously tries to resolve all the functions which might be defined in other header files etc., forcing the poor developer to start pulling in various header files etc.


Isn't it always best to keep header files free of any implementation and just use them for 'declarations'? That would make it easier to include them in more than one projects w/o having to carry around a lot of extra junk.




One important point to note is that if a member function is defined inside a header file, it must be either inside the class body or it must be marked explicitly as inline. In other words, it is plain wrong to do this in a header file:

class A {

A::A() {
  // constructor body


The reason it's wrong is because it will make the compiler include the definition in each compilation unit, while it's obvious that any function must be defined only once. Here are correct ways to do the same thing:

class A {
    inline A();

inline A::A() {
  // constructor body


class A {
    inline A() { // inline isn't required here, but it's a good style
     // constructor body


In both cases the constructor is inline. The only correct way to make it a regular out-of-line function would be to define it in the implementation file, not in the header. This is the most important difference between these two approaches.


Now, it is worth noting that inlining is an optimization. And as always with optimizations, they are best avoided until proved necessary. Among other problems inlining can lead to, there is the compatibility problem: if you change the body of a function that is not inlined, you only need to recompile the unit where it is defined, and everyone starts using the new implementation right away. With inlined functions, you need to recompile every unit that includes the relevant header, which can be a pain, especially if the header is used across different projects by different people.

换句话说,尽可能使用常规的外部定义,直到通过分析证明特定的函数调用是性能瓶颈.这条规则唯一合理的例外是微不足道的 setter 和 getter,即使使用它们也最好小心 - 有一天它们可能变得非常重要,这将意味着大量的重新编译和兼容性破坏.

In other words, use regular out-of-line definitions wherever possible until it is proved by profiling that a particular function call is a performance bottleneck. The only reasonable exception to this rule are trivial setters and getters, and even with them it is better to be careful - one day they may become non-trivial and it will mean a lot of recompilation and compatibility breaking.
