我应该总是继续使用 `sink` 构造函数或 setter 参数吗?

2021-12-30 00:00:00 复制 constructor move c++ c++11
struct TestConstRef {
    std::string str;
    Test(const std::string& mStr) : str{mStr} { }

struct TestMove {
    std::string str;
    Test(std::string mStr) : str{std::move(mStr)} { }

在观看 GoingNative 2013 后,我明白 sink 参数应该始终按值传递并使用 std::move 移动.TestMove::ctor 是应用这个习语的正确方法吗?是否存在 TestConstRef::ctor 更好/更高效的情况?

After watching GoingNative 2013, I understood that sink arguments should always be passed by value and moved with std::move. Is TestMove::ctor the correct way of applying this idiom? Is there any case where TestConstRef::ctor is better/more efficient?

琐碎的 setter 呢?我应该使用以下习语还是传递 const std::string&?

What about trivial setters? Should I use the following idiom or pass a const std::string&?

struct TestSetter {
    std::string str;
    void setStr(std::string mStr) { str = std::move(str); }




The reason is quite simple as well, if you store by value you might either need to move (from a temporary) or make a copy (from a l-value). Let us examine what happens in both situations, with both ways.


  • 如果您通过 const-ref 获取参数,则临时对象将绑定到 const-ref 并且无法再次移动,因此您最终会制作一个(无用的)副本.
  • 如果您按值获取参数,则该值将从临时(移动)中初始化,然后您自己从该参数中移动,因此不会进行复制.

一个限制:一个没有高效移动构造函数的类(例如 std::array),因为那样你做了两个副本而不是一个.

One limitation: a class without an efficient move-constructor (such as std::array<T, N>) because then you did two copies instead of one.

从左值(或 const 临时,但谁会这样做...)

From a l-value (or const temporary, but who would do that...)

  • 如果你通过 const-ref 获取参数,那里什么都不会发生,然后你复制它(不能从中移动),这样就得到了一个副本.
  • 如果您按值获取参数,则将其复制到参数中,然后从参数中移出,从而生成单个副本.


One limitation: the same... classes for which moving is akin to copying.


So, the simple answer is that in most cases, by using a sink you avoid unnecessary copies (replacing them by moves).


The single limitation is classes for which the move constructor is as expensive (or near as expensive) as the copy constructor; in which case having two moves instead of one copy is "worst". Thankfully, such classes are rare (arrays are one case).
