在 VS 2015 中编译和链接第三方库

2021-12-30 00:00:00 visual-studio c c++ visual-studio-2015

我正在使用 Visual Studio 2015 处理 C++ 项目,我正在尝试链接外部库(在本例中为 libtins).该库目前位于我的桌面上.

I'm working on a C++ project using Visual Studio 2015 I'm trying to link an external library (in this instance libtins). The library currently resides on my desktop.


I've tried editing the project settings, under Linker settings, but it doesn't give me any option to include any custom libraries.

如何在 VS 2015 中执行此操作?

How do I do this in VS 2015?


添加到链接器是不够的,您还需要添加包含库:属性 -> C/C++ -> 常规 -> 附加包含目录

adding to the linker is not enough you need also to add the include library: properties -> C/C++ ->general -> additional include directories
