有没有办法让 C++ 结构值初始化所有 POD 成员变量?

2021-12-30 00:00:00 initialization constructor c++

假设我有一个包含 POD 和非 POD 成员变量的 C++ 结构:

Suppose I have a C++ struct that has both POD and non-POD member variables:

struct Struct {
    std::string String;
    int Int;


and in order for my program to produce reproduceable behavior I want to have all member variables initialized at construction. I can use an initializer list for that:

 Struct::Struct() : Int() {}

问题在于,一旦我需要更改结构并添加新的 POD 成员变量(比如 bool Bool),我就有可能忘记将其添加到初始化列表中.那么新的成员变量就不会在struct构造过程中进行值初始化.

the problem is as soon as I need to change my struct and add a new POD member variable(say bool Bool) I risk forgetting to add it to the initializer list. Then the new member variable will not be value-initialized during struct construction.

我也不能使用 memset() 技巧:

Also I can't use the memset() trick:

   memset( this, 0, sizeof( *this ) ); //can break non-POD member variables

因为调用 memset() 来覆盖已经构造的非 POD 成员变量会破坏它们.

because calling memset() to overwrite already constructed non-POD member variables can break those.

在这种情况下,有没有办法在不显式添加初始化的情况下强制对所有 POD 成员变量进行值初始化?

Is there a way to enforce value-initialization of all POD member variables without explicitly adding their initialization in this case?


最简洁的方法是编写自动初始化的模板类 initialized:

The cleanest way would be to write the auto-initialzed template class initialized<T>:

我现在意识到通过允许您声明 initialized 可以使其更加灵活.这意味着您可以在不修改原始 Struct 的情况下声明初始化.默认初始化 'T()' 的灵感来自 Prasoons 的答案.

I realize now it can be made even more flexible by allowing you to declare initialized<Struct>. This means that you can declare initialization without modifying the original Struct. The default initialization 'T()' was inspired on Prasoons answer.

template<class T>  
struct initialized 

        { value = T(); }

    initialized(T t) 
        { value = t; }

    initialized(const initialized<T>& x) 
        { value = x.value; }

    T* operator &() { return &value; } 

     operator T&() { return value; }     

     T value; 

struct PodStruct 
    std::string String;      
    int Int; 

struct GlorifiedPodStruct 
    std::string String;      
    initialized<int> Int; 

void Test()
    GlorifiedPodStruct s;
    s.Int = 1;
    int b = s.Int;
    int * pointer = &s.Int;

    initialized<PodStruct> s2;

这可以编译,但可能需要更多的转换运算符,处理 volatile 等关键字.但你明白了.

This compiles, but may need more conversion operators, handling of keywords like volatile, etc. But you get the idea.
