为什么这个 C 代码比这个 C++ 代码快?获取文件中的最大行
我有一个程序的两个版本,它们基本上做同样的事情,获取文件中一行的最大长度,我有一个大约有 8000 行的文件,我的 C 代码更原始一点(当然!)比我在 C++ 中的代码.C 程序大约需要 2 秒才能运行,而 C++ 程序需要 10 秒才能运行(我在这两种情况下测试的文件相同).但为什么?我原以为它会花费相同的时间或多一点但不会慢 8 秒!
I have two versions of a program that does basically the same thing, getting the biggest length of a line in a file, I have a file with about 8 thousand lines, my code in C is a little bit more primitive (of course!) than the code I have in C++. The C programm takes about 2 seconds to run, while the program in C++ takes 10 seconds to run (same file I am testing with for both cases). But why? I was expecting it to take the same amount of time or a little bit more but not 8 seconds slower!
我的 C 代码:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if _DEBUG
#define DEBUG_PATH "../Debug/"
#define DEBUG_PATH ""
const char FILE_NAME[] = DEBUG_PATH "data.noun";
int main()
int sPos = 0;
int maxCount = 0;
int cPos = 0;
int ch;
FILE *in_file;
in_file = fopen(FILE_NAME, "r");
if (in_file == NULL)
printf("Cannot open %s
while (1)
ch = fgetc(in_file);
if(ch == 0x0A || ch == EOF) //
or or
or end of file
if ((cPos - sPos) > maxCount)
maxCount = (cPos - sPos);
if(ch == EOF)
sPos = cPos;
printf("Max line length: %i
", maxCount);
return (0);
我的 C++ 代码:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define FILE_PATH "../Debug/data.noun"
#define FILE_PATH "data.noun"
int main()
string fileName = FILE_PATH;
string s = "";
ifstream file;
int size = 0;
printf("could not open file!");
return 0;
while(getline(file, s) )
size = (s.length() > size) ? s.length() : size;
printf("biggest line in file: %i", size);
return 0;
C++ 版本不断地分配和释放 std::string 的实例.内存分配是一项代价高昂的操作.除此之外,还执行构造函数/析构函数.
The C++ version constantly allocates and deallocates instances of std::string. Memory allocation is a costly operation. In addition to that the constructors/destructors are executed.
然而,C 版本使用常量内存,并且这样做是必要的:读取单个字符,如果更高,则将行长度计数器设置为新值,对于每个换行符,就是这样.
The C version however uses constant memory, and just does was necessary: Reading in single characters, setting the line-length counter to the new value if higher, for each newline and that's it.