
2021-12-30 00:00:00 constructor c++ copy-constructor

为什么不链接复制构造函数(如默认构造函数或 dtors),以便在调用派生类的复制构造函数之前调用基类的复制构造函数?对于默认构造函数和析构函数,它们分别在从基到派生和派生到基的链中调用.为什么复制构造函数不是这种情况?例如,这段代码:

Why aren't copy constructors chained (like default ctors or dtors) so that before the derived class's copy constructor is called, the base class's copy constructor is called? With default constructors and destructors, they are called in a chain from base-to-derived and derived-to-base, respectively. Why isn't this the case for copy constructors? For example, this code:

class Base {
    Base() : basedata(rand()) { }

    Base(const Base& src) : basedata(src.basedata) {
        cout << "Base::Base(const Base&)" << endl;

    void printdata() {
        cout << basedata << endl;

    int basedata;

class Derived : public Base {
    Derived() { }

    Derived(const Derived& d) {
        cout << "Derived::Derived(const Derived&)" << endl;


Derived d1;      // basedata is initialised to rand() thanks to Base::Base()

d1.printdata();  // prints the random number

Derived d2 = d1; // basedata is initialised to rand() again from Base::Base()
                 // Derived::Derived(const Derived&) is called but not
                 // Base::Base(const Base&)

d2.printdata();  // prints a different random number

复制构造函数并没有(不能)真正复制对象,因为 Derived::Derived(const Derived&) 不能访问 basedata改变它.

The copy constructor doesn't (can't) really make a copy of the object because Derived::Derived(const Derived&) can't access basedata to change it.


Is there something fundamental I'm missing about copy constructors so that my mental model is incorrect, or is there some arcane (or not arcane) reason for this design?


复制构造函数不会(不能)真正复制对象,因为 Derived::Derived(const Derived&) 无法访问 pdata改变它.


Derived(const Derived& d)
    : Base(d)
    cout << "Derived::Derived(const B&)" << endl;


If you don't specify a base class constructor in the initializer list, its default constructor is called. If you want a constructor other than the default constructor to be called, you must specify which constructor (and with which arguments) you want to call.


As for why this is the case: why should a copy constructor be any different from any other constructor? As an example of a practical problem:

struct Base
    Base() { }
    Base(Base volatile&) { } // (1)
    Base(Base const&)    { } // (2)

struct Derived : Base
    Derived(Derived&) { }

您希望 Derived 复制构造函数调用哪些 Base 复制构造函数?

Which of the Base copy constructors would you expect the Derived copy constructor to call?
