从函数返回对象时调用 C++ 中的复制构造函数?

2021-12-30 00:00:00 constructor c++ copy-constructor


I understand copy constructor is called on three instances

  1. 实例化一个对象并使用另一个对象的值对其进行初始化时.
  2. 按值传递对象时.


我对 3 号有疑问如果在返回对象值时调用复制构造函数,那么如果在函数中本地声明对象,是否应该会产生问题.

I have question with no.3 if copy constructor is called when an object value is returned, shouldn't it create problems if object is declared locally in the function.


i mean the copy constructor is a deep copy one and takes reference of an object as parameter



It's called exactly to avoid problems. A new object serving as result is initialized from the locally-defined object, then the locally defined object is destroyed.


In case of deep-copy user-defined constructor it's all the same. First storage is allocated for the object that will serve as result, then the copy constructor is called. It uses the passed reference to access the locally-defined object and copy what's necessary to the new object.
