
2022-01-16 00:00:00 python numpy vectorization rotation


我有一个存储在 numpy 数组 A 中的 3D 点列表,形状为 (N,3) 和一个旋转矩阵 R 的形状<代码>(3,3).我想就地计算 A 中每个点 xR.x 的点积.天真地我可以这样做:

I have a list of 3D points stored in numpy array A with shape (N,3) and a rotation matrix R with shape (3,3). I'd like to compute the dot product of R.x for each point x in A in-place. Naively I can do this:

for n in xrange(N):
    A[n,:] = dot(R, A[n,:]) 

有没有办法通过本机 numpy 调用对其进行矢量化?如果重要的话,N 大约是几千.

Is there a way to vectorize this with a native numpy call? If it matters, N is on order of a couple thousand.


可以将 A 与旋转矩阵的转置相乘:

You can multiply A with the transpose of the rotation matrix:

A = dot(A, R.T)
