
2021-12-30 00:00:00 constructor c++
 Vector(const Vector& other) // Copy constructor 
    x = other.x;
    y = other.y;



你得到的答案提到确保 ctor 不能改变正在复制的内容――他们是对的,把 const 放在那里确实有效果.

You've gotten answers that mention ensuring that the ctor can't change what's being copied -- and they're right, putting the const there does have that effect.

然而,更重要的是临时对象不能绑定到非常量引用.复制构造函数必须引用 const 对象才能复制临时对象.

More important, however, is that a temporary object cannot bind to a non-const reference. The copy ctor must take a reference to a const object to be able to make copies of temporary objects.
