
2022-01-16 00:00:00 python opencv rotation


我有一个数学问题:假设我使用带有以下命令的 opencv 将图像围绕其中心旋转 30°:

I have a mathematical question: let's suppose I rotate an image around its center by an angle of 30°, using the opencv with the following commands:

M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols/2,rows/2),30,1)
img_rotate = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,(cols,rows))


If a take the pixel (40,40) of the img_rotate, how can I know which is the corresponding pixel in the original image?


in other words, when I apply the rotation to an image I obtain the transformed image. Is there the possibility to obtain the mapping between points? For example the (x,y) point of the new image corresponds to (x',y') point of the original image.


只需使用 仿射变换和逆矩阵.

# inverse matrix of simple rotation is reversed rotation.
M_inv = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((100/2, 300/2),-30,1)

# points
points = np.array([[35.,  0.],
                   [175., 0.],
                   [105., 200.],
                   [105., 215.],
# add ones
ones = np.ones(shape=(len(points), 1))

points_ones = np.hstack([points, ones])

# transform points
transformed_points = M_inv.dot(points_ones.T).T
