typedef 如何处理函数指针

2021-12-29 00:00:00 c function-pointers syntax c++ typedef

我想我可能患有可怕的意外程序员"病,至少在涉及到 typedef 和函数指针时.所以我一直在试验涉及这些的各种组合,以根据我得到的所有输出来分析结果.

I think I may be suffering from the dreaded "accidental programmer" disease, at least when it comes to typedefs and function pointers. So I've been experimenting with all kinds of combinations involving these to analyse the results based on all the output I get.


But as I kept on trying different combinations, instead of analyzing the results I'm now just lost in process.


I'm hoping you guys will help me figure out this mess.


typedef void (print)(void);
void do_something (void) { printf("Hello World
"); }

print *pr;
pr = &do_something;
pr(); // Hello World


typedef void (print)(void);
void do_something (void) { printf("Hello World
"); }

print *pr;
pr = do_something;
pr(); // Hello World


How do both the above code examples work, it's as if '&' has no effect on function name


typedef void (print)(void);
void do_something (void) { printf("Hello World
"); }

print pr;
pr = do_something; // compile error
pr = &do_something; // compile error

我希望上述任务之一能在这里工作,但该死!我真的不明白函数指针(也许还有 typedef).

I was hoping one of the above assignments to work here but damn! I really don't understand function pointers (and maybe typedef too).


函数名的地址和普通函数名的地址是一样的,所以 & 对函数没有影响名字.

The address of a function name and the plain function name both mean the same thing, so & has no effect on a function name.


Similarly, when using function pointers, multiple dereferencing isn't a problem:

#include <stdio.h>
typedef void print(void);
static void dosomething(void) { printf("Hello World
"); }

int main(void)
    print *f1 = dosomething;
    print *f2 = &dosomething;


That compiles cleanly under:

gcc -O3 -g -Wall -Wextra -Werror -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes 
    -Wold-style-definition -std=c99 xx.c -o xx

我不会说多颗星是好的风格;不是.这是奇怪的,而且(是的,你可能会这么说)有悖常理".一颗就足够了(一颗星主要是给像我这样在标准说可以通过指针调用函数而不使用 (*pointer_to_function)(arg1, arg2) 表示法;如果你愿意,你可以只写 pointer_to_function(arg1, arg2)").是的,这很奇怪.不,谢天谢地,没有其他类型(或类型的类别)表现出相同的行为.

I would not claim that multiple stars is good style; it isn't. It is 'odd, and (yes, you may say it) perverse'. One is sufficient (and the one star is mainly for people like me who learned to program in C before the standard said "it is OK to call a function via a pointer without using the (*pointer_to_function)(arg1, arg2) notation; you can just write pointer_to_function(arg1, arg2) if you like"). Yes, it is weird. No, no other type (or class of types) exhibits the same behaviour, thank goodness.
