当 C/C++ 中的数字常量以 0 为前缀时,这意味着什么?

2021-12-29 00:00:00 numbers c syntax compiler-construction c++

好的...所以我有一个愚蠢的想法并尝试将值 0123 放入一个整数中,只是想看看会发生什么,我假设当我打印该值时我会得到 123,但我得到的是 83......任何想法为什么?编译器/内存中发生了什么使该值变为 83?

Ok... So I had a silly idea and tried putting the value 0123 into an int, just curious to see what would happen, I assumed that when I printed the value I'd get 123, but instead I got 83... Any ideas why? what happens inside the compiler/memory that makes this value become 83?

我用 GCC 编译器在 C++ 和 C 中尝试过这个,也尝试过使用浮点数产生相同的结果.

I tried this in C++ and C with GCC compiler and also tried with a float which yielded the same results.


在 C/C++ 中,以0"为前缀的数字文字是八进制(基数为 8).

In C/C++ a numeric literal prefixed with a '0' is octal (base 8).

参见 http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/constants/
