
2021-12-29 00:00:00 c enums c++ c-preprocessor

在 C/C++ 中使用 define 语句和 enum 语句有什么区别(在 C 或 C++ 中使用它们时有什么区别)?

What's the difference between using a define statement and an enum statement in C/C++ (and is there any difference when using them with either C or C++)?


For example, when should one use

enum {BUFFER = 1234}; 


#define BUFFER 1234   


enum 定义了一个语法元素.

enum defines a syntactical element.

#define 是一个预处理器指令,在编译器看到代码之前执行,因此不是 C 本身的语言元素.

#define is a pre-preprocessor directive, executed before the compiler sees the code, and therefore is not a language element of C itself.

通常首选枚举,因为它们是类型安全的并且更容易被发现.定义更难定位并且可能具有复杂的行为,例如一段代码可以重新定义由另一段代码创建的 #define.这可能很难追踪.

Generally enums are preferred as they are type-safe and more easily discoverable. Defines are harder to locate and can have complex behavior, for example one piece of code can redefine a #define made by another. This can be hard to track down.
