检查 string::getline 中的 eof

2021-12-29 00:00:00 file-io c++ getline

如何使用 std::getline 函数检查文件结尾?如果我使用 eof() 它不会发出信号 eof 直到我尝试读取文件末尾.

How do I check for end-of-file using the std::getline function? If I use eof() it won't signal eof until I attempt to read beyond end-of-file.


C++ 中的规范阅读循环是:

The canonical reading loop in C++ is:

while (getline(cin, str)) {


if (cin.bad()) {
    // IO error
} else if (!cin.eof()) {
    // format error (not possible with getline but possible with operator>>)
} else {
    // format error (not possible with getline but possible with operator>>)
    // or end of file (can't make the difference)
