W8 服务的连接待机通知
我有一个服务,用 C++ 开发,在 Windows 8(和 8.1)上运行.怎样才能知道系统已经进入连接待机?
I have a service, developed in C++ running on Windows 8 (and 8.1). How can I get to know that the system has entered Connected Standby?
由于这是一项服务,它没有窗口,我应该使用 PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification,但它似乎不起作用.有谁知道我怎么能收到这样的通知?
Since this is a service, it does not have a window, I should be using PowerRegisterSuspendResumeNotification, but it does not seem to be working. Does anyone know how I can get such a notification?
我已经联系了 Microsoft 的技术支持.这是他们的回答:
I have contacted Microsoft's technical support. This is their answer:
对于 ConnectedStandby 进入/退出没有直接通知,但您可以只使用监视器开/关通知,因为 ConnectedStandby 与支持 AOAC 的系统上的屏幕关闭同义(但不是在旧系统上,AOAC 功能可以通过使用 CallNtPowerInformation 获取 SystemPowerCapabilities 并查看 SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES 结构的 AoAc 值而获得).
There are no direct notifications for ConnectedStandby enter/exit, but you can just use the monitor on/off notifications since ConnectedStandby is synonymous with screen off on an AOAC capable system (but is not on a legacy system, AOAC capability can be had by getting SystemPowerCapabilities using CallNtPowerInformation and looking at the AoAc value of the SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES struct).
要获取显示器开/关通知,您可以使用 RegisterPowerSettingNotification 并使用 GUID_MONITOR_POWER_ON 电源设置 GUID.
To get monitor on/off notifications you can use RegisterPowerSettingNotification and use the GUID_MONITOR_POWER_ON power setting GUID.
Looks like there is only a workaround for this by listening to screen on/off events.