Windows 服务状态 C++?

2021-12-27 00:00:00 windows service c++ status

如何在 C++ 中获取 Windows 服务的状态?

How I can get the status of an windows service in C++?

这是一个 C# 示例:

This is a C# example:

ServiceController sc = new ServiceController("Spooler", "Server1");
if (sc.Status == ServiceControllerStatus.Running)
    MessageBox.Show("The service is running.");

但是我如何在 C++ 中做等效的事情?

But how do I do the equivalent in C++?


您需要调用 OpenSCManager(),然后OpenService() 然后 QueryServiceStatus() 获取状态.

You need to call OpenSCManager(), then OpenService() and then QueryServiceStatus() to get the status.

完成后调用 CloseServiceHandle() 两次,一次在服务句柄上,然后在 OpenSCManager() 返回的句柄上.

When you're done call CloseServiceHandle() twice, once on the service handle, and then on the handle returned by OpenSCManager().
