为什么 sys.getrefcount() 返回 2?

2022-01-16 00:00:00 python garbage-collection


据我了解,sys.getrefcount() 返回对象的引用数,在以下情况下应该"为 1:

As I understand, sys.getrefcount() returns the number of references of an object, which "should" be 1 in the following case:

import sys,numpy
a = numpy.array([1.2,3.4])
print sys.getrefcount(a)


However, it turned out to be 2! So, if I:

del a


Will the "numpy.array([1.2,3.4])" object still be there (no garbage collection)?


当你调用 getrefcount() 时,引用按值复制到函数的参数中,暂时增加对象的引用计数.这就是第二个引用的来源.

When you call getrefcount(), the reference is copied by value into the function's argument, temporarily bumping up the object's reference count. This is where the second reference comes from.


返回的计数通常比您预期的高 1,因为它包含(临时)引用作为参数getrefcount().

The count returned is generally one higher than you might expect, because it includes the (temporary) reference as an argument to getrefcount().


如果我del a",numpy.array([1.2,3.4])"对象是否仍然存在(没有垃圾回收)?

If I "del a", will the "numpy.array([1.2,3.4])" object still be there (no garbage collection)?

getrefcount() 退出时,数组的引用计数将回到 1,随后的 del a 将释放内存.

By the time getrefcount() exits, the array's reference count will to back to 1, and a subsequent del a would release the memory.
