如何让 CMake 创建一个 dll 及其匹配的 lib 文件?

2021-12-26 00:00:00 visual-studio cmake c++

我正在使用 CMake 通过 Visual Studio 2010 创建共享库.该解决方案输出一个 dll 文件,但不输出匹配的 lib 文件.我如何告诉 CMake 生成 lib 文件,以便我可以将其他项目链接到 dll?

I'm using CMake to create a shared library via Visual Studio 2010. The solution outputs a dll file, but not a matching lib file. How do I tell CMake to generate the lib file so I can link other projects to the dll?


首先检查您的共享库中是否至少有一个导出的符号.如果 dll 不导出符号,Visual Studio 不会生成 .lib 文件.

First of all check that you have at least one exported symbol in your shared library. Visual Studio does not generate the .lib file if dll does not exports symbols.

接下来,检查您的 cmake 文件 - 您可能已经设置了共享库目标的 CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY 变量或 ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY 属性.如果设置了这些变量/属性,则 Visual Studio 会将 .lib 文件输出到该变量/属性指定的不同目录中.(也可以有特定于配置的版本,例如 ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_Release.)

Next, check your cmake files - probably you have set CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY variable or ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY property of the shared library target. If these variable/property is set then Visual Studio will output .lib files into the different directory specified by that variable/property. (There also can be configuration-specific versions like ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_Release.)
