在 CMake 中使用预编译的头文件

我在网上看到了一些(旧的)帖子,内容是关于在 CMake 中对预编译头文件的一些支持进行黑客攻击.他们似乎都有点无处不在,每个人都有自己的做法.目前最好的方法是什么?

I have seen a few (old) posts on the 'net about hacking together some support for pre-compiled headers in CMake. They all seem a bit all-over the place and everyone has their own way of doing it. What is the best way of doing it currently?


有一个名为Cotire"的第三方 CMake 模块' 自动为基于 CMake 的构建系统使用预编译头文件,并且还支持统一构建.

There is a third party CMake module named 'Cotire' which automates the use of precompiled headers for CMake based build systems and also supports unity builds.
