Python del 语句

2022-01-16 00:00:00 python garbage-collection del


在 Python 中对变量调用 del.这会立即释放分配的内存还是仍在等待垃圾收集器收集?和 java 一样,显式调用 del 对何时释放内存没有影响.

Calling del on a variable in Python. Does this free the allocated memory immediately or still waiting for garbage collector to collect? Like in java, explicitly calling del has no effect on when the memory will be freed.


del 语句不回收内存.它删除了一个引用,这会减少该值的引用计数.如果计数为零,则可以回收内存.CPython 会立即回收内存,无需等待垃圾收集器运行.

The del statement doesn't reclaim memory. It removes a reference, which decrements the reference count on the value. If the count is zero, the memory can be reclaimed. CPython will reclaim the memory immediately, there's no need to wait for the garbage collector to run.


In fact, the garbage collector is only needed for reclaiming cyclic structures.

正如 Waleed Khan 在他的评论中所说,Python 内存管理可以正常工作,您不必担心.

As Waleed Khan says in his comment, Python memory management just works, you don't have to worry about it.
