在 C++ 中使用 while 循环读取文件是如何工作的?

2021-12-26 00:00:00 file while-loop c++


Why is it possible to read a file using a while loop such as

while (file >> variable)

while (getline(xx, yy))

>>getline 函数是否返回布尔值?

Do the >> and getline functions return boolean values ?


流操作符求值为对流本身的引用.这允许链接,例如<代码>文件>>变量 >>变量 >>变量.

The stream operators evaluate to a reference to the stream itself. This allows chaining e.g. file >> variable >> variable >> variable.

当您将其与流对象可转换为布尔值(其值为 true 如果没有设置错误标志)这一事实相结合时,是的,您会得到这种效果.

When you combine it with the fact that the stream object is convertible to boolean (whose value is true iff no error flags are set) and, yes, you get that effect.
