如何在 Python 中删除对象的每个引用?



x = "something"
b = x
l = [b]

如何删除只有一个引用的对象,比如 x?

How can you delete the object only having one reference, say x?

del x 不会成功;例如,该对象仍然可以从 b 访问.

del x won't do the trick; the object is still reachable from b, for example.


不不不.Python 有一个垃圾收集器,它有非常严重的领域问题——它不会干扰你创建对象,也不会干扰它删除对象.

No no no. Python has a garbage collector that has very strong territory issues - it won't mess with you creating objects, you don't mess with it deleting objects.


Simply put, it can't be done, and for a good reason.

例如,如果您的需求来自例如缓存算法保留引用的情况,但不应阻止数据在没有人使用时被垃圾收集,您可能想看看 weakref.

If, for instance, your need comes from cases of, say, caching algorithms that keep references, but should not prevent data from being garbage collected once no one is using it, you might want to take a look at weakref.
