
2022-01-16 00:00:00 python file garbage-collection del



I had always assumed that a file would leak if it was opened without being closed, but I just verified that if I enter the following lines of code, the file will close:

>>> f = open('somefile.txt')
>>> del f

纯粹出于好奇,这是如何工作的?我注意到该文件不包含 __del__ 方法.

Just out of sheer curiosity, how does this work? I notice that file doesn't include a __del__ method.


至少在 CPython 中,文件对象在释放时会关闭.请参阅 CPython 源代码中 Objects/fileobject.c 中的 file_dealloc 函数.Dealloc 方法有点像 C 类型的 __del__,除了没有 __del__ 固有的一些问题.

In CPython, at least, files are closed when the file object is deallocated. See the file_dealloc function in Objects/fileobject.c in the CPython source. Dealloc methods are sort-of like __del__ for C types, except without some of the problems inherent to __del__.
