
2021-12-25 00:00:00 static-methods types c++

我认为这是完全不可能的,但是如果.是否可以在任何版本的 C++ 中以某种方式在静态成员函数中获取封闭类的类型?

I assume this is outright impossible, but what if. Is it possible to somehow get type of enclosing class in a static member function, in any version of C++?

class Impossible {
    static void Fun()
        typedef Impossible EnclosingClass;

        // now do something with EnclosingClass ...


Is there a way to get the type of the enclosing class (Impossible in this case) without writing the name of the class in the function?


The reason why I'd like to do that is to avoid repeating the class name in the function. It could easily lead to a hard to find copy-paste bug, if something like this happened:

class SomeOther { // another class, with the same interface as Impossible
    static void Fun()
        typedef Impossible EnclosingClass;
        // whoops, copy-pasted, forgot to change "Impossible" to "SomeOther"

        // now do something with EnclosingClass ...


Is there a good way to prevent this kind of thing happening? I could imagine touching something that was declared private in the enclosing class, but that would be forcing me to write extra code (as my current design doesn't contain any inherent private members, all is public).


问题在于 C++ 缺少 self 关键字.

The problem is that C++ is lacking a self keyword.


struct Foo
   typedef Foo self;

   static void bar()
      self* ptr = nullptr;

我意识到你仍然需要确保 typedef 是正确的,但至少这样你可以将它放在类型定义的顶部,你会注意到它.

I realise you still have to make sure the typedef is correct, but at least this way you can have it at the top of the type definition where you'll notice it.


With hackery, though, you can make this entirely autonomous.
