C++ 中的内存分配分析

2021-12-24 00:00:00 profiling memory-management c++


I am writing an application and am surprised to see its total memory usage is already too high. I want to profile the dynamic memory usage of my application: How many objects of each kind are there in the heap, and which functions created these objects? Also, how much memory is used by each of the object?

有没有简单的方法可以做到这一点?我在 linux 和 windows 上工作,所以任何平台的工具就足够了.

Is there a simple way to do this? I am working on both linux and windows, so tools of any of the platforms would suffice.


NOTE: I am not concerned with memory leaks here.


您是否尝试过 Valgrind?它是 Linux 的分析工具.它有一个名为 Memcheck 的内存检查器(用于内存泄漏和其他内存问题),但它还有一个名为 Massif 的堆分析器.

Have you tried Valgrind? It is a profiling tool for Linux. It has a memory checker (for memory leaks and other memory problems) called Memcheck but it has also a heap profiler named Massif.
