致命错误 LNK1104:无法打开文件“libboost_system-vc90-mt-gd-1_43.lib"

2021-12-24 00:00:00 visual-studio c++ boost


Made a new project, added main.cpp and wrote the code at this URL:



Also, added the appropriate include path.

接下来是什么?!?!构建 boost 代码似乎是个谜!

What's next?!?!! It seems like a darn mystery to build a boost code!

已经挖掘了 10 多个小时.

Been digging on it for more than 10 hours.


Can anyone give a straightforward answer on how to build the boost library from the code under windows, VC9?


你需要使用 bjam.它负责创建您的应用程序将使用的库.使用 bjam 后,您将需要指示您的项目包含 lib 文件.您可以通过进入项目的属性 -> 配置属性 -> 链接器 -> 常规来完成此操作.将创建 lib 文件的目录添加到其他库目录.之后您应该能够正确链接.我相信 这个链接 比我在帖子中尝试的更好地描述了这些步骤

You need to use bjam. It is responsible for creating the libraries that your application will use. Once you use bjam, you are going to need to instruct your project to include the lib file. You do this by going into the project's properties -> Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General. Add the directory which created the lib file to Additional Library Directories. You should be capable of correctly linking after that. I believe that this link describes the steps better than I could attempt in a post
