boost::io_service poll_one 和 run_one 有什么区别?

2021-12-24 00:00:00 c++ boost boost-asio

io_service::poll_one 运行 io_service 对象的事件处理循环执行一个就绪处理程序.

io_service::poll_one Run the io_service object's event processing loop to execute one ready handler.


io_service::run_one 运行 io_service 对象的事件处理循环最多执行一个处理程序.

io_service::run_one Run the io_service object's event processing loop to execute at most one handler.

从那个解释看来, poll_one 可以执行多个处理程序?run_one 或 poll_one 是使用任何名为 run() 的线程还是仅使用调用 poll_one/run_one 的线程?

From that explanation it would seem poll_one could execute more than one handler? Does run_one or poll_one use any thread that's called run() or only the thread that calls poll_one/run_one?

ASIO 的文档非常稀少.

The documentation for ASIO is very sparse.


poll_one 将立即返回(非阻塞),以防没有事件要处理.

poll_one will return immediately (non-blocking) in case there is no event to process.

run_one 将阻塞调用线程,直到一个事件准备好处理.

run_one will block the calling thread until one event is ready to process.

