Boost 和 Python 3.x

2021-12-24 00:00:00 python python-3.x c++ boost boost-python

boost.python 如何处理 Python 3?只有 Python 2 吗?

How does boost.python deal with Python 3? Is it Python 2 only?


较新版本的 Boost 应该适用于 Python V3.x.这种支持是在很久以前添加的,我相信在 2009 年成功的 Google Summer of Code 项目之后.

Newer versions of Boost should work fine with Python V3.x. This support has been added quite some time ago, I believe after a successful Google Summer of Code project back in 2009.

将 Python V3 与 Boost 结合使用的方法是通过添加以下内容来正确配置构建系统:

The way to use Python V3 with Boost is to properly configure the build system by adding for instance:

using python : 3.1 : /your_python31_root ;

到您的 user-config.jam 文件.

to your user-config.jam file.
