boost::spirit::qi 关键字和标识符

2021-12-24 00:00:00 c++ boost boost-spirit boost-spirit-qi

我看过一些与 qi 语法中关键字/标识符使用的细微差别相关的帖子,但我不太明白 boost 示例中演示的方法应该如何工作......

I've seen a few posts related to the nuances of keyword/identifier use in qi grammars, but I can't quite make sense of how the approach demonstrated in the boost examples is supposed to work...


qi::symbols<char> keywords;




qi::rule<std::string::const_iterator, std::string(), ascii::space_type> identifier;

以下是 qi calc 和编译器示例中标识符规则的定义方式:

Here's how the identifier rule is defined in the qi calc and compiler examples:

identifier = !keywords >> qi::raw[ qi::lexeme[ ( qi::alpha | '_' ) >> *( qi::alnum | '_' ) ] ];

也许我读错了 qi 语法,但在我看来,这不会接受任何匹配或以关键字开头的文字.拒绝完整的关键字匹配是所需的行为.但是,我想接受food"作为标识符,即使它以关键字foo"开头.这似乎是一个非常标准的用例,但很难找到真正确定这一点的文档.

Perhaps I'm reading the qi syntax wrong, but it seems to me that this would not accept any literal that matches or starts with a keyword. Rejecting a full keyword match is the desired behavior. But, I want to accept "food" as an identifier, even though it begins with the keyword "foo". This seems like a pretty standard use case, but having trouble finding documentation that really nails this down.


Can anyone offer an identifier rule that only rejects exact matches to keywords?



其实这个问题值得一票.它应该更经常被实现,并且可能在 Spirit 教程中解决,因为它经常被忽视(显然 编译器示例没问题)

Actually this question deserves some votes. It should be much more oft realized, and probably be addressed in the Spirit Tutorials, as it's often overlooked (obviously the compiler samples are ok)

也许我读错了 qi 语法,但在我看来这不会接受任何匹配或以关键字开头的文字.

Perhaps I'm reading the qi syntax wrong, but it seems to me that this would not accept any literal that matches or starts with a keyword.


That's correct. In case you spotted in one of my own answers (quite a good chance) I tend to do this as a quick-and-dirty way to fixup grammars that didn't have proper keyword guards there in the first place.


But yeah, requiring distinct keywords/identifiers requires some more work. I might find a link to an answer where it's done correctly (it's not hard, it's just tedious).


  • 来自 Spirit Repository 的 Qi distinct 解析器指令
  • Qi distinct Parser Directive from the Spirit Repository

如果您正在构建一个非常强大的通用语言语法,那么您应该考虑使用 Spirit Lexer.再说一次,在我看来,Spirit 的目标是快速开发和使用 Spirit 的表达式模板 eDSL 简洁嵌入的小型一次性语法.我认为,在很多方面,这与何时这很重要.

If you're building a really robust general-purpose language grammar, this is about the point where you should consider using a Spirit Lexer. Then again, in my humble opinion, Spirit aims at rapid development and small, one-off grammars that are succinctly embedded using Spirit's expression template eDSL. In a lot of aspects, that is much the antipode of when this matters, I reckon.
